
Translation + the right dose of poetic license

for the right visibility of your brand

When do you need a transcreation service? Literal translations almost never work, otherwise, there would be no need for translators. But there are cases when it is necessary to go beyond the simple transfer of meaning from one language to another. This is particularly true in the advertising field, whereby content is made up of short-effect phrases, headlines, catchphrases, slogans and payoffs that in the source language aimed at involving and exciting the consumer.

Advertising and marketing texts work through cultural references, puns or various types of associations that engender complicity with the audience. These effects may not be reproducible in the target culture. If the reference is missing, or is not cognitively tangible, given that every language has its own rules of the game, it is fundamental that the greatest of care goes into crafting your message in every target language for every intended audience.

Different words to convey the same meaning

I rewrite your creative texts in an understandable and engaging way for the target audience, maintaining your original purpose. If your advertising is funny, it will make an Italian laugh too. If it aims to wow, we will leave everyone speechless.

What the transcreation service includes

  • 1 questionnaire, to understand your company, your voice and your target

  • 3 transcreation proposals, from which to choose the most suitable

  • 3 back-translations, whereby I create a literal translation back to the source language to show you in detail what I wrote, with all necessary explanations

  • 3 rationales in which I explain the thinking behind my choices and indicate my preferred option

What you put in your pocket

You preserve the value of your copywriting and export a solid brand and products with the intended emotional impact.

How much does a transcreation cost

Starting at €150 for a headline, sub-headline, and body copy transcreation.

Do you have a creative text for the Italian market? I can't wait to transcreate it!

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