Advertising and marketing translations

Words that tell your story

Advertising and marketing translations require special language care and sensitivity.

An advertising text performs many functions simultaneously: it informs about the object, product or service, it makes the producer relatable, convinces the consumer and propels your target to take action.

All without writing a papyrus or a scientific treatise with bombastic and pompous words. Rather, the language is accessible and immediate. It must be yours, using your voice and broadcasting your brand identity. It evokes images, memories and sensations in the consumer.

Culture at the service of success

You will see how your advertising materials will work also in Italian. I will step into your shoes to understand your perspective. Next I step into your target audience's shoes and tell them about you with words that resonate for them. I know both cultures very well; getting your messaging to land in Italian is an eminently achievable goal.

What the marketing translation service includes

  • Questionnaire to get to know you, what you do and how you do it

  • Collection of any existing translations and glossaries

  • Translation, with style and personality

  • Localization, the icing on the cake

What you put in your pocket

Texts that really talk about you and positively pops.

How much does a marketing translation cost?

The translation of a brochure, article, or product description of 1,000 words starts at €150.

Are you ready to bring your advertising to Italy?

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